What is the meaning of the Disability Pride Flag?

Disability Pride T-shirt

What does the disability pride flag mean? Each of the old and new Disability Pride Flag elements has a particular meaning:

The Black Field on the disability pride flag is a color of mourning. This represents disabled people who have suffered from "Ableist violence, rebellion, and protest." It represents disabled people who have lost their life not only to their illness but also to suicide, negligence and eugenics.

The Five Colors on the Disability pride flag -  red, gold, pale grey, blue, and green - represent the various needs and experiences of disabled people: mental illness, intellectual and developmental disability, invisible and undiagnosed disabilities, physical disability, and sensory Disabilities.

The Parallel Diagonal Stripes of the Disability Pride Flag represent solidarity within the Disability Community and all its differences. The diagonal suggests cutting across barriers that separate the disabled from society.

What are the color codes for the disability pride flag?

The hex (hexadecimal) and RGB color codes for the new Disability Pride Flag are:

  • Black Field: Mourning for ableist violence and abuse victims. Hexadecimal and RGB: #585858 RGB (80, 80, 80)

  • Red Stripe: Physical Disabilities. Hexadecimal and RGB color: #CF7280 RGB (207, 114, 123)

  • Gold Stripe: Neurodivergence. Hexadecimal and RGB color: #EEDF77 RGB (238, 223, 119)

  • White Stripe: Invisible and undiagnosed disabilities. Hexadecimal and RGB color: #E9E9E9 RGB (233, 233, 233)

  • Blue Stripe: Psychiatric disabilities. Hexadecimal and RGB color: #7AC1E0 RGB (122, 193, 224)

  • Green Stripe: Sensory perception disabilities. Hexadecimal and RGB color: #3AAF7D RGB (58, 175, 125)

The Disability Pride Colors posted here were designed by Ann Magill for online/illuminated screen use, so the black is deliberately lightened (it's not meant to be dark, if used online).

To learn more visit: Disability Pride Flag: everything you need to know

Brendan McDonald