22 on-point quotes about mental illness stigma from mental health bloggers
Every day, in every conceivable way, we need to stand up against the stigma of mental illness. Here are 22 quotes about mental illness stigma from some awesome bloggers and writers who are fighting the stigma of mental illness through their writing and advocacy.

Every day, in every conceivable way, we need to stand up against the stigma of mental illness. Here are 22 quotes about mental illness stigma from some awesome bloggers and writers who are fighting the stigma of mental illness through their writing and advocacy.

B.L.Acker has been fighting the stigma of mental illness one tweet at a time since 2014: @Siusy415. You can read more about mental illness and stigma on their blogs Unlovable and Sanity from an Insane Mind.

'We need to face stigma head on and erase it.' -- B. L. Acker @Siusy415 CLICK TO TWEET

Abhijit Naskar is one of the world’s most well-known neuroscientists. They are an international bestselling author of numerous books and an untiring advocate against the stigma of mental illness.

“The first step to treat a mental illness is acceptance.” ― Abhijit Naskar @naskarism CLICK TO TWEET

Al Levin has been blogging and tweeting about depression since 2016. In his blog – The Depression Files – Al has written numerous articles about mental illness stigma and the need to end the stigma of mental illness, which Al argues leads to discrimination and bigotry against people with mental illness.

'There is no shame in seeking support for a mental illness...no more shame than seeking help for cancer, heart disease or any other serious illness.' -- Al Levin @allevin18 CLICK TO TWEET

Ever since being hospitalized at the age of 20 with a mental illness, Hannah Blum has been an outspoken advocate fighting the stigma of mental illness. Hannah is the author of The Truth About Broken: The Unfixed Version of Self-love and the founder of the #SlayStigma movement on social media.

'When you live with depression, anxiety, or any mental illness, you spend most of your time 'trying to explain' yourself over taking care of yourself.' ― Hannah Blum @hannahdblum CLICK TO TWEET

Seaneen Molloy is a feminist writer from Northern Ireland who has been writing about mental illness since 2007 after she hospitalized and diagnosed with bipolar disorder. You find Seaneen’s musings on mental illness stigma on her blog: The Secret Life a Manic Depressive.

'The onus on fighting stigma shouldn't just be on us, but on the people who treat us, the people whom we work for, the people who love us.'- by Mentally Interesting @ms_molly_vog CLICK TO TWEET

Ahmed Hankir is a mental health campaigner, researcher, and physician working for the U.K. National Health Service. While in medical school Ahmed developing an episode of psychological distress triggered by the 2006 Lebanon War. It was at this time he experienced first-hand the stigma of mental illness. Ever since then he has been challenging mental health stigma and Islamophobia, primarily through “The Wounded Healer” initiative, which aims to challenge mental health stigma and encourage care-seeking amongst health professionals.

'With mental illness, symptoms are what damage you With stigma, humans are what harm you I think humans can be more devastating than symptoms when it comes to mental illness' --The Wounded Healer @ahmedhankir CLICK TO TWEET

Bandy X Lee, MD, is an assistant clinical professor, at the Yale School of Medicine, Yale University, who has written numerous published articles on mental illness stigma.

'Stigma is a form of violence. It originates from ignorance or misunderstanding and harms those suffering from mental illness by depriving them of their humanity.' @BandyXLee1 CLICK TO TWEET

'Invoking #mentalhealth as an insult further stigmatizes those already suffering in harmful ways.' @BandyXLee1 CLICK TO TWEET

Mark Freeman is a passionate mental health advocate, recovery coach and author of You Are Not a Rock: A Step-by-Step Guide to Better Mental Health (for Humans)

'Avoiding talking about mental health because of fear or anxiety would be no different than avoiding any other experience because of fear and anxiety. It’s not healthy.' -- Mark Freeman @thepathtochange CLICK TO TWEET

Ashley Ford-McAllister was raised working poor, diagnosed with schizophrenia in 2007; and is on a lifelong learning curve based on these two core points.

Stigma reinforces the barriers that prevent people, whatever their personal identity and experience, from being seen and accepted as ‘normal’ -- Ashley Ford-McAllister CLICK TO TWEET

Read more: Mental Health Stigma Quotes

Brendan McDonald